Social Contribution |
Hirose Korea is performing a role as a corporate citizen in cherishing social values along with corporate values based on the "spirit of win-win and sharing鈥, returning corporate profits to society and fulfilling social responsibilities. |
As a warm partner of the local community, we form a voluntary volunteer group of executives and employees to carry out various volunteer activities for the underprivileged in the local community, and we strive to contribute to the development of the local community by spreading the culture of donation to companies and executives and employees.
In particular, we actively support the development of volunteer service programs for our employees by providing information on personal service performance management and service facilities in order to encourage employees' volunteer activities.
In the future, Hirose Korea will strive to become a respected company that contributes to society by carrying out various social contribution activities that care for the socially disadvantaged. |
Main Activities |
Regular volunteer activities for facilities with severe disabilities
The second Saturday of every month is designated as Volunteer Day for Facilities for the Disabled.
Severely disabled people are people with a combination of visual, auditory, and brain lesions, and are operated by the Christian Foundation. The program provides employees with opportunities to understand the disabled through volunteer activities, and provides various volunteer activities such as cleaning facilities, repairing, laundry, being kept silent, walking assistance, and supporting supplies.
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Regular care activities for the aged care facilities
The third Saturday of every month is the day of volunteer work for the elderly care center.
It is a nursing facility exclusively for elderly women operated by the Catholic Foundation's nuns. It is a program that allows them to feel respect for the elderly and the importance of family love through volunteer work. It provides various volunteer activities such as snack preparation, snack distribution, facility cleaning, repair, laundry, and supplies support.
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Volunteer club operation
Hirose Korea Voluntary Volunteer Group was first launched in 2012 to practice the spirit of voluntary service and sharing. Since 2015, the volunteer club has been dedicated to visiting underprivileged people and welfare facilities in Siheung area and making efforts to provide warm hands. It has been carrying out volunteer work at three "care facilities for the severely disabled and the elderly" in Siheung City. |
Spread donation culture
The company regularly provides donations to the 1% Welfare Foundation in Siheung.
In addition, executives and employees donate a certain amount of money every month to the 1% Welfare Foundation, Eumseong Flower Village, UNICEF, and 11 other places, and the number of donations is increasing every month.
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