



CSR Ethical Management Labor/ Human Rights Environment/Safety and Health Management Mutual Growth Social Contribution Conflict Minerals Quality Policy Fraud Report Center
Environmental safety & Health Management
01   Establish and implement environmental safety and health goals
02 Strict compliance with stakeholders' requirements and regulations
03 Continuous improvement by establishing standards for self-reliant environment/safety and health management
04 Minimize the generation of environmental pollutants
05 Establish a safe and healthy workplace through disaster prevention by discovering harmful and risk factors
06 Establish eco-friendly measures during the product development phase and inhibiting the use of hazardous chemicals during the manufacturing process
07 Open to stakeholders of environmental/safety and health policies
Waste management
Safety Management

鈥 Company with Happy Employees 鈥 We pursue the safety of our employees as a top management principle . "


- Self-inspection of environmental safety on every Wednesday

- Conduct an environmental safety inspection report once a month (participation of the chief executive officer and executives and employees)

- Promote employees' safety awareness through promotion

- Manage health promotion of workers and strengthen hygiene

- Create a working environment where hazardous hazards have been removed

- Build a pleasant and safe working environment

- Expand improvement activities involving workers

- Ensure workers' safety and health rights

- Build a safe working environment through SR Audit

- Support for early settlement of sustainable management foundations